How to deal with a Cheap Boss?

Frugality might be an admirable trait in some people, but you wouldn't want to work for one of them. When the frugality of your boss lowers workplace morale and hinders productivity, it's time to try to get her to relax her hold on the purse strings. Before you approach your boss, determine whether the business is struggling, deeply in debt or over-extended. Your boss might want to spend more but just not have the means to do so. If your boss is being cheap even though business is thriving, however, take a few steps to help change her behavior.
Choose the right time to approach your boss about spending more money. If there's just been an event that hurt cash flow -- for example, the loss of a major account -- this is not the time to schedule a meeting. A better time would be immediately after signing a large new account.
Do some research. If you think you are underpaid and would like a raise, be prepared to show your boss how your salary stacks up against salaries for similar jobs in competing companies. A good source is the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which tracks pay and other data on hundreds of different jobs. This will let your boss know that compared to the average, you are underpaid. Also, be prepared to remind your boss of your recent successes that helped bring extra money to the company.
Be polite and respectful when discussing money with your boss. Don't accuse him of stinginess and don't whine. Ask politely for what you need or want, and be prepared to graciously accept his answer, even if it is "no".
Make an effort to understand where your boss is coming from. Keep in mind that she is a businesswoman who must meet a budget and keep costs in line. Open with a statement that shows you understand the need to be careful with expenditures.
Determine the difference between what you want and what you need. Prioritize your needs and present your boss with an abbreviated list. For example, perhaps your productivity and the productivity of your colleagues would improve if you had newer and faster computer systems. Let your boss know how more modern systems would improve productivity, but don't also request new desk chairs and a new break room refrigerator. Focus on what is most important.
Examine your daily habits. Determine if there are any areas where you can be more frugal. Don't give your boss the opportunity to accuse you of being wasteful. Gain her trust by demonstrating you are careful with money. For example, if you know you print out more paper documents than your colleagues, don't make a request for a large order of copier paper when you could save money by storing more of your documents digitally.
Itemize the benefits of the proposed expenditures to help your boss see why spending the money is cost effective in the long run. For example, if the copy machine breaks down regularly, record how often and show how much downtime it caused. Record time lost due to shortages of office supplies. Explain to your boss how adequate supplies, reliable equipment and the occasional company outing boosts productivity and morale, and ultimately saves money.


  • Even if you are able to help your boss make a few changes, you are unlikely to change him in a major, permanent way. Make a mental list of the benefits to your job. Is the cheapness a minor irritant in a job that is otherwise satisfying? If not, it might be time to start looking for a new job.

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