What is risk? What is risk management?

Definition of Risk:
The term risk has different meaning in different situations. However, in most cases the term risk is defined as:
“It is used to described any situation where
  There is uncertainty about what outcome will occur”
In business and Finance and even statistics, risk is used to indicate possible variability in outcomes around some expected values. Risk is greater in one situation when:
o   Expected greater loss
o   Uncertainty (variability around the expected loss)
Types of Risk

1-Direct risk                                                                                                                   
2-Indirect risk
Direct risk is direct loss of the asset (expected) like the amount of asset that would cause of destruction of asst. E.g. steeling/destruction of productive asset would cause loss the amount to which it purchase.
Indirect risk is a type of risk that arises as the consequences of direct risk. E.g. if the productive asset goes down, it means there is low order taking, low production and low sales which would result in hitting the firm profitability and its stake in the market. 
Indirect losses would be:
o   Loss of normal profit
o   Extra operating expenses
o   Higher cost of funds and foregone investment
o   Bankruptcy cost

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