Risk Management Process?/ How to control your risk?/ Getting control over risk?

Risk Management Process
It consist of:
o   Identify all significant losses.
o   Evaluate the potential frequency and severity of loss. It includes the evaluation of maximum loss.
o   This value is known in pure risk management as “the maximum probable loss” and in financial management as “value at risk”.
o   Implement risk management methods chosen.
o   Monitor the performance and suitability of risk management.
Risk Management Methods

1-Loss control                                        
2-Loss financing                                   
3-internal risk reductions

Loss control and internal risk reductions used as decision making tool in investment or forgo investment in order to reduce the expected losses.

1-Loss control consists of:
o   Reduce the level of risk activity.
o   Increase precautions.
 E.g. routine inspections of passenger bus will not only reduce the chances of expected accidents loss (reduce the level of risky activities) and installing devices like fuel alarming system, current alarming system of engine etc. (increase precautions).

2-Loss financing are consist of
o   Hedging
o   Retentions
o   Insurance
o   Other contractual risk transfer (like outsourcing of activities)
     4-Internal risk control consists of:
Diversifications like investment in different stocks and shares to reduce loss
Investment in information like installing of devices and investment in R&D. E.g. investment in market research to advance know about market trends and demand of goods and services.

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