Economic systems/ What is economic system?/ Get to know about Economic system in Modern world

What is Economic System ?

Back Ground :
The twentieth century was a very diverse time period for the world's economic systems.  The world suffered through two shooting wars, a Cold War between the Super Powers, a Great Depression, and a shifting of the balance of world economic power.  By the end of the century, Communism had come and gone in Russia, and the United States, Japan, and the European Union emerged as the leading economic strength behind strong capitalist economies.
Economic System :
“An economic system is a system of production and exchange of goods and services as well as allocation of resources in a society “
Explanation :
An economic system is comprised of the various processes of organizing and motivating labor, producing, distributing, and circulating of the fruits of human labor, including products and services, consumer goods, machines, tools, and other technology used as inputs to future production, and the infrastructure within and through which production, distribution, and circulation occurs.  These processes are overdetermined by the political, cultural, and environmental conditions within which they come to exist.  In comparative economic systems, these economic systems are usually defined within determinate political boundaries.  Thus, one would speak of a Chinese economic system, although China may, in fact, be a complex conglomeration and interaction of economic systems. Nevertheless, bounding economic systems in this way provides a way of discussing how such systems are made possible and changed by the specific effects of politico-institutional, cultural, and environmental differences. 
Types :
There are five major types of economic system.
·        Capitalism
·        Socialism 
·        Mixed
·        Communism

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