Business Law Guess paper

Q1:   Important guess paper for Sargodha, Pubjab, Gomal, BZU and UOE

Exams session 2018-2019

                Q#1 Write short note on any five of the following:
i) Warranty               ii) Consideration           iii) Minor
iv) Unpaid seller      v) Cavet Emptor            vi) Qusai contract
Q2:            Define condition & warranties? Also differentiate between them with proper       illustrations (examples)?
Q3:            What is bailment? And what are the essential requirements of bailment?
Q4:            How an agency can be created and terminated? Also explain different kinds of agent?
Q5:            Discuss Railway as a carrier and explain the duties and liabilities of railway administration?
Q6:            What is offer and valid offer? Also discuss ways for revocation of offer?
Q7:            Define mistake and fraud? Explain the types of mistake?
Q8:            What is National Industrial Relation commission? Briefly explain its constitution, functions and powers?

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