Business Law Exams important questions

Business Law
B.Com - II
Sargodha, Pubjab, Gomal, BZU and UOE
 University Important Questions

1.       What is contract? Discuss in detail the essentials of valid contract?
2.       What are the kinds/Types of contract?
3.       Define acceptence?Elaborate its essentials.
4.       What is valid offer? Also discuss revocation of offer?
5.       Explain “No consideration, no contract”
6.       What is consideration and explain its lawful elements?
7.       State in detail the capacity of parties? The parties eligible for lawful contract?
8.       Discuss minors agreement? And law relating to minor agreement?
9.       What is misrepresentation and fruad? Also differentiate between them?
10.   What is mistake? Explain bilateral and uniletral mistake?
11.   What is coercion? And expalin its effect on contract?
12.   What is void agreement? And eloborate with relevant exmples its exception?
13.   What is contigent and quasi contract? And performance of contigent contract?
14.   State with proper illustration regarding joint rights and liabilities?
15.   Discuss various odds of discharge of contract?
16.   What is breach of contract and the remedies available for breach of contract?
17.   What is bailment? And what are the essentials of bailment?
18.   Write down the rights and duties of bailor and bailee?
19.   What is principal and agent? What are the rights and duties of principal and agent?
20.   Define contract of agency? And brielfy expalin its essentials?
21.   State in detail kinds of agent? Creation and termination of agency?
22.   Differentiate between sale and agreement to sell?
23.   Define condition & warranties? Also differentiate between them with proper illustrations?
24.   Discuss doctrine of cavet emptor?
25.   Who is unpaid seller? Expalin rights and duties of unpaid seller?
26.   What is negotiable instrument? Also expalin its characteristics in detail?
27.   Define cheque, Bill of Exchange and promisory note? Differentiate between any of them?
28.   What is cheque? And discuss the various circumstances by which a cheque can be terminated?
29.   Discuss the major types of negotiable instrument?
30.   What is holder in due course? Discuss it in detail also differentiate between holder and holder in due course?
31.   Define common carrier and private carrier? What is the difference between private and common carrier?
32.   What re the rights and duties of common carrier?
33.   Discuss Railway as a carrier and explain the duties and liabilities of railway administration?
34.   Define charter party and bill of lading? Also differentiate between them?
35.   Write in detail the process of registration of trade unions?
36.   What are the unfair labour practices on the part of employer and employees?
37.   What is CBA? expalin the process of election of CBA?
38.   What are the rights and duties of CBA?
39.   What is labour court? Explain its constitution, functions, procedure and powers?
40.   What is labour appellate tribunal? Its constitution, functions and powers?
41.   What is NIRC? Expalin its constitution, functions and powers?
42.   What are the provisions available for the health of workers?
What is partnership? Expalin the difference between partnership and co ownership?

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