Types of Risks facing Businesses and Individuals/ Risk for business and Individual

Types of Risks facing Businesses and Individuals
(A) Businesses Risk

1-Price Risk                                            
2-Credit risk                                                             
3-Pure risk

1-Price risk refers to the uncertainty of the magnitude of cash flows due to possible changes in output and input prices. Price risks are consisting of output risk and input risk:
Þ    Output risk refers to the changes in the price of the commodities that a firm can demand for its goods and services. These are:
o   Commodity price risk is fluctuations in the prices of coal, copper, oil and gas etc.
o   Exchange rate risk refers to output prices that affect due to risk of changes in the exchange rates of currencies.
o   Interest rate risk refers to interest rate changes that can cost firm higher on borrowing loan or getting interest from saving.
Þ    Input price risk refers to the risk of changes in the price that a firm must pay labor, material and other input to production process.

2-Credit risk is a risk that a firm may face late payment of his promised account receivable and it affect the organizations operational activities. However, these are common in medium to large organizations.

3-Pure risk is a risk that face by the medium to large organizations like
o   Damage of assets
o   Legal liability
o   Workers injury
o   Employees benefit
(B)  Personal Risk
These are such type of risk face by individual or families and it can be classified as:
Þ    Earning risk it is due to aging, disability, unemployment or death.
Þ    Medical expenses are risk that affects the personal incomes of individuals.
Þ    Liability risk is due to non-payment of lease payment of car, home etc.
Þ    Physical asses risk may destroy or steel like auto, home jewelry and electronics.
Þ    Financial assets risk like loss in value of shares and bonds.
Longevity refers to possibility that reties people will outlive their financial resources. 

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