Islam Condemn the Terrorism/ Terrorism and Islam/ World and Islam

God Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an: ‘No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another’

Today we Muslims are facing the hot waves of Terrorism and unfortunately we are blaming for their support. And the ridiculous thing is that, those actors who are sponsoring the terrorism and selling them their arms, ammunition, providing them logistic and human resource support criticizing us and pretending us as we are terrorists. The irony is this matter is that, rather to overcome this and show the world our positions, our some clerics and Mullas support their agendas and showing the world their self beliefs as Islamic belief.

Allah almighty in Quran says, “Killing of one person baselessly means you are killing the human race”. Review the Quarnic words; it is not mention anywhere the killing of Muslims but a person. It could be anyone. Extremist groups like ISIS and TTP hijack the teachings to deliver a twisted version of the religion.

From the September 11, 2001 all the Muslims world are facing the wave of terrorism and all over the world the Muslims are labeled with “Terrorists and Jihadist”. They almost destruct the true meaning of jihad and relate it with arms, narcotics, smuggling, bombs and human trafficking. A number studies has been conducted to spy the Muslims nature, any favorable statements from our religious books in support of it, but they are failed. They did nothing but move the way of thinking of Non Muslims against us by fake news, baseless propagandas and it become string because of non presence of Muslims active voice.

I am leaving a question for all of you and will request you to please pass on it to your circles that “If God of Muslims ALLAH is for all, He call himself “ Rab ul Alameen” and the prophet of Muslims call himself as “ Rehamt ul lell ALameen” and the book of Muslims is not confined for Muslims but it is called “ Quran AL kareem and Quran AL Furqan” then how one can restrict us to be individuality or barbarian. Though we are sharing everything religiously we have. Do you ever heard Hindus call their book and God for all? Did you ever notice of Christians or Jews who call their books and God for all. They confined it to themselves. So, can anyone clear my point that how I, a Muslim a threat for peace while preaching love and respect for all.

The thing that weird Muslims is that “Actually, there are lots of fatwas and other statements issued which condemn attacks on innocent civilians. Unfortunately, they are largely ignored by newspapers, television news, radio news and other media outlets.”

The vast majority of Muslims reject terrorism. After the 9/11 attacks in 2001 until 2018, Pew Research conducted extensive worldwide studies of attitudes towards terrorism.
The research polled thousands of people representing up to 90 per cent of the world's Islamic populations and found that 93 per cent condemned the 9/11 attacks as unjustified.

Let me clear you about the fatwas and statements that are shared and are present in different Newspapers, Journals and aired on televisions. Among them the most common are the followings,
First one was issued collectively by the Muslim scholars after 9/11 incident September 14, 2001 (in which from Pakistan the late ameer of Jamat Islami Qazi Hussain ahmed also participated) that “We condemn, in the strongest terms, the incidents, which are against all human and Islamic norms. This is grounded in the Noble Laws of Islam which forbid all forms of attacks on innocents.”

Second collective fatwa by the top scholars of Muslims world on dated September 27, 2001 “All Muslims ought to be united against all those who terrorize the innocents, and those who permit the killing of non-combatants without a justifiable reason.”

Alamaa Tahirul Qadri in his statement on October 18, 2001 said that Bombing embassies or destroying non-military installations like the World Trade Center is no jihad”
There are a huge number of fatwas and statements by the Muslims scholars against the condemnation and against the terrorism. But didn’t inspire the world. It leaves the two questions,

1.   One the world did not believe us
2.   And the second the world do not want us.

In the last I will end up it with the word:

Humanity lives today in an interdependent and interconnected world where peaceful and fair interaction, including interfaith and intra-faith dialogue, is imperative. A grave threat to all of us nowadays is the scourge of religious and political extremism that manifests itself in various forms of violence, including terrorism.
We condemn all forms of terrorism … and in this we make no distinction. Terrorism is completely wrong, no matter who engages in it, and no matter what religion he follows or community he belongs to.

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